Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Very, Very Big Bubbles

We took this picture during our last Tasting. David and company are on our front lawn, learning to use "
beebo Big Bubble Mix" to create what can only be called an XTREME bubble. "Our mission," say the XTREME Bubble Team "is to manufacture and distribute to all people, the most exciting, amazing and revolutionary bubble solution in the history of the world! We believe that if every person in the world had a chance to play with beeboo Big Bubble Mix, the world would become a better place." Yes, beebo Big Bubble Mix, the same beeboo Big Bubble Mix used to blow the "
the World's Largest Free Floating Soap Bubble."

There was no question at all about the
Major FUNness of the XTREME bubble-making experience. I personally have never seen bubbles so large, so ameoba-like in their blobitude, so surprising in their floaty formations. Not having made an exhaustive comparison, I can not attest to the fact that beebo Big Bubble Mix results in the biggest of all possible bubbles. It worked. It was easy to mix, easy to make work. Learning to use the bubble wand was most definitely an integral part of the whole experience. As a connoisseur of all things fun, I can tell you that this stuff is great fun. And I mean great!
At a purported savings of $6, you're probably going to want to purchase the entire
1 Bottle of beeboo™ Mix & 1 Bubble Wand starter kit. Then, you'll probably have to get the
2 bottles of beeboo™ Big Bubble Mix, unless you find yourself ready for the
4 bottles of beeboo™ Big Bubble MixLabels: Kids Games, Toys