Thursday, July 20, 2006

You get this board, see, with a map showing the location of three pyramids and the Sphinx. And all these easily punch-out-able (I mean, so easily punch-outable that it makes the punch-out ritual itself a delight of great sheerness), thick, cardboard tiles. You each get four. At a time. Some of the tiles aren't so good. Some of the tiles are explosive. Some are worth many more points. Some many less. And you try to build up your entire city, as it were, one card at a time. And perhaps the most shall we say "fascinating" aspect of this game is that, at every turn, you have the choice of of using one of your tiles to do something good for yourself or bad to any of the perhaps 5 other players who also have the choice, on their turn, to use their tiles do something good for themselves, or bad to you. While at the same time, you win just about entirely by the luck of the shall we say "draw?."
It is at least cosmic in its implications, and deeply revelatory of the human condition.
Giza as serious gamers might say, is a "filler." Relatively easy to learn (depending on who's doing the teaching) and fundamentally what one might call a "light-hearted" game. In fact, I'm going to call it that:
Giza, the light-hearted game of mutual betrayal." - Major Fun, Himself
Labels: Family Games, Kids Games